More updates from one of our NSW Irrigation Project site. After all the hard work of our AGNFLOW team down, all of 6 centre pivot were put up successfully, which include 2 fixed centre pivot and 4 towable centre pivot. Also we have finalised the water damn suction part, pump station for those 6 centre pivots, and underground main for 2 centre pivot which were already start irrigating for 1 month, the land changed so much comparing before and after using those centre pivot irrigator. There didn’t plant anything before as the bad water sources, now our farmer planting canola and barley, the below photo is a part of farm planted barley after irrigated with our new centre pivot. The farm look so green and vibrant now, hope our customers will have a good harvest this year and on-going seasons.

center pivot and later move system are very effective irrigator for saving water if you have very limit water sources to use, and will make our farmland more powerful and valuable.

There are more underground pipeline works need to be done, we have our own excavator, trencher, tele handler etc. gives us lots help and make our earthwork much easier and quicker.
Thanks for our team members who keep working on this project.