4 Wheel Lateral Move Pivot System by IRRITECH

4 wheel lateral move pivot system by IRRITECH are available at AGNFLOW now.
- Pipe diameter: 5″, 6 5/8″, 8 5/8″
- Length: max 24 spans
- Water supply: drag hose or ditch
- Power supply: drag cable or diesel engine
- Control box: Standard(Switch) or PLC
- Fertilizer system: optional 1000L-6000L
- Pesticide Spray system: optional
- Classified according to the location of the water source into End Feed and Centre Feed
- Cart: Standard 4 wheel linear or heavy duty 4 wheel lateral
- Guide way: Furrow, Angle steel, Above-ground cable.
- Alignment: Control pole, modified, floating.
More details, please contact with our AGNFLOW team to give the best solution for your farm irrigation.